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Onity-Serene-lock-angeled-blue-door-2x1 Onity-Serene-lock-angeled-blue-door-2x3
Finally, a lock form
and function can love.
Onity’s sleek, all-in-one Serene™ lock is designed both inside and out for luxury hotels. Its small glowing halo of light symbolizes both timeless design and leading-edge DirectKey™ mobile access technology that will delight guests with contactless unlocking and easy entry to their room
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Form meets Function
Small. Smart. Secure. There’s no other lock like it.
Onity’s DirectKey™ system protects mobile key credentials using 128 bit AES encryption and complements the security features built into Serene™ locks.
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Customize your look

Explore a variety of lever styles and finishes to tailor your Serene™ lock design.

Wall Reader
Control your property with a Serene RFID/Bluetooth® low energy wall reader at perimeter doors, elevators, parking areas, swimming pools, fitness facilities, and other common areas.
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Want Serene™ locks in your property?

Relationships matter.
Book a personal visit including a complete demonstration.


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Still have questions?
Whatever your needs, our door is always open. We’ve unlocked doors over 250 million times in the past 5 years alone, across 2000 cities globally. Every one of those doors unlocked is a cause for confidence for taking your property into the contactless era.
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